08 October 2007

Thought on moving into the city of Harrisburg

As I was crossing the river today I started to weep as I passed the city on my right. "I'm coming Harrisburg, I'm coming!" I said behind my tears. At Holy Given the Lord placed it on my heart to move into the city. If God is going to bring revival to the city by using little me then I want to be in the middle of it! I want to absorb their culture, the people, the food, the air, and everything about the burg. What does the Gospel look like in Harrisburg anyway?
This past week was the first time moving to Harrisburg was moving in my spirit again since Holy Given. It came up four times in one week. Oh God. I feel I have to go, my heart hurts for it. I'm sure it's God's longing for His people to know His heart.

It probably seems crazy to many. I have a perfectly safe, nice, comfortable Hummelstown apartment that is a mere five minutes from work. Why move? It's a longing of my heart. I haven't heart God say, "Behold, move to the city," yet I never heard Him say go to Mozambique. I've learned that I don't need to hear the audible voice of God to do something. I feel His heart and see how long it lasts in mine. Yes, it's a big decision. Sometime we wait for God so much that God is really waiting on us to do something. The Suddenlies are still happening, it's the new wave of glory, the heaven on earth.
I've never lived in a city before and kinda grew up in the country areaish on a beautiful two acre wooded lot. I love the silence, it's a part of rest. I begin to dream of what is to come soon. I know I will be living in the city of another nation. If my next step is in Calcutta, India, with Iris Ministries I have to know what it at least means to even live in a city. Just another step in preparation for the harvest to come in. I will watch it come in the city of Harrisburg then the city of the nations. Wow does that sound fun or what?! Oh God there's so much work to do.

I start at Center for Champions tomorrow in the city. It's an inner-city after school program for kids of low-income, single, problem families. God, the poor. This ministry is based out of Life Center so I know it has a good foundation. I'm really excited and feel a peace about this ministry and this door into the city. I pray God would give me a revelation about this city tomorrow, anything God, here I am. I am here for you. I love you.

I am seeking peace about this. Please intercede for me if and when this is supposed to happen. This move is all for you Jesus.

"Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision,
'Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent,
for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you;
for I have many people in this city."'
Acts 18:9-10
If you want to hear my heart for Harrisburg you can check out September archives on the left called "Heart for Harrisburg." Enjoy. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Papa just keeps expanding your heart - bigger and bigger and bigger. It's a painful expansion at times, but to begin to carry just a bit of His passion for His treasured children of the earth, embrace the pain. May He make your paths straight and give you wisdom and grace as you take each step in loving union with Him!


Beautiful Grace said...

May the Lord give His peace in your innermost being in regards to your steps. In Jesus' name!!!

It was great to meet you in person on Sunday. You are "His Resting One," thanks for praying for me.

May His blessings overflow and overtake you!!!

Soars (like an Eagle) said...

I am loving your pursuit of God's heart for Harrisburg...the encouragement is spilling though the computer. I know he will pave the way if this is of him...I am excited for your first step of faith...watch what He does!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.