29 September 2007

My first stadium prophecy

It’s the weekend of prayer for Lancaster County and it was held at Clipper Magazine Stadium. I was wondering what it was going to be like and even if they would know about the Spirit. It was a blessing. I went to the dugout where the intercessors were, where I wasn’t supposed to be. I met Erica and she prayed over me and said I would make connections here and there was a word that needed to go forth. Yeahh okay that’s nice to hear but I don’t feel “in the mood”. The Lord reminded me that I am a prophet to the nations. Okay God well if you want me to speak then you gotta speak to me.

The Lord gave me a vision. I saw Him take His mighty hands under the city, the county, and lift it up. The roots in the dirt were hanging down and there was a shaking. Some tall structures stood and others collapsed. God said he was uprooting and those without a true foundation and that of a false religion would parish. God is destroying so He can build again on a foundation that is incorruptible. Then I saw the people of the existing structures build the ruined church to be strong. God said those who know God will stand and will not be shaken but church, stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord. They will be the ones who rebuild the ruins, block by block. Then He had me prophesy that Lancaster, there is no spot in you. Bride arise, bride arise. You are beautiful in my sight. I am taking the church, the bride higher, yet deeper into His heart. Laid down lovers. There is no spot in you, there is no spot in you.

So somehow I ended up on stage with the mic speaking this forth. There was no time to be afraid. I told God that if He gave me words I would speak. It was beautiful, there was no fear. It was something I was to do. The Lord reminded me of Jeremiah 1:9-10 before speaking.

“Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: Behold I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.”

I was so under the Spirit walking off I was trying not to manifest yet when that word went forth something in the air broke. Then these ladies in dugout became completely wild and your spirit broke forth and the new wine was released. We got so wasted and prayed and prophesied over each other. Oh God. The ladies me and Shannon met were older yet so wise. The young and the old coming together. The ladies had me and Shannon pray for many, many people. Wow by the end I was so tired and poured out! I really need endurance since this is a life style. Thank you Jesus, you have truly blessed me. Thank you for using me, your vessel, your bride.


Anonymous said...

Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for blessing my city and the whole county where I've spent my entire life! Sad to say I didn't even know the event was going on, but I'm certainly thankful you knew and attended!


Beautiful Grace said...

Thank you for not allowing the moment to pass. The moment when God's heart was released for all in attendence to hear. His words reverberate in the spiritual realm...life, life, life!!! :)