14 October 2007

Eagle's heart

As I was driving to Megan's surprise party in Lancaster I saw a beautiful eagle soar in the sky. Seeing this animal soar always captures my heart. It's so beautiful and there is no work or flapping of it's wings to put on a spectacular show. This is how I want to be. To get to a place of trust in God where I can rest in His trust and operate freely in His glory.

My eyes then shifted to see a fat little bird with little wings never stopping to flap its wings. It always had to flap to stay up, uhhhhh that seems tiring! Is it even worth it to use all that energy to fly? I asked the Lord what makes this silly bird different from the eagle that can soar so long without a single movement of his wings. God said the other bird's head is bigger than its heart. Those pure in heart will see God.

So many times we can fill our minds with things from this world, even crapity biblical theology, or even know how we should walk with the Lord but it stays in our brains. There's a vital connection between the brain and the heart that needs to happen in order to soar. Yeah, okay, I know scripture (kind of) but it's meaningless unless it goes to my heart. I think we can all quote Deuteronomy 6:5, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength." Right now the scripture is more in my head then my heart. I'm flying but flapping a little, yet sometimes I soar a little. I want that holy collision between my head and my heart so I can soar in the glory of my Jesus.

When I got to the party Erica began writing on cups with our name followed by another name. For example, Megan the Majestic. My cup read, "Emilie the Eagle heart." I then told Erica what God revealed to me on my ride there. God loves to tickle me.

1 comment:

Beautiful Grace said...

Hi Emily,

Great post!!! May I reprint it on my blog, please? Love in Jesus!!! :)