30 June 2007

Matthew 5:3 and 8:00 am :)

It was nice waking up this morning at 8am, as opposed to the normal 5:30/6am wake up time, by the loud morning bang telling us tea has been ready. This week it seems the "honeymoon" period has been over for most of us. So the feeling of "uhhh why am I here I just want a Ritas and a nice juicy burger" feeling has come.

Making relationship with the Mozambicans is priceless. My friend Alberto, who is 60ish, has been my laughing friend as we struggle to understand each other. It really is quite hilarious just to see his wrinkly face and old man teeth light up when I say "ÿou are a plant" instead of you are nice,"is priceless. "

I feel this week I have been capturing the heart of Mozambique more. My heart has been resting on Matthew 5:3 of the beatitudes. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for there's is the kingdom of heaven." What does poor in spirit mean? God is staring to show me the ocean this verse represents. Poor in spirit means God is living in you, not yourself, you are just a tool for Him, how cool! Poor in spirit means giving your lunch, and your Nutella (yum) away to those less fortunate. Poor in spirit is to embrace a child in all his filth, body odor and unlovliness. Poor in spirit is holding the street babies when at any second they could pee on you. Poor in spirit is embracing another's culture and not your own. Poor in spirit is getting in the dirt with your white shirt, and not think twice, but just to be with the Mozambiquicans. God change me. I want the Kingdom! It's so cool because God's kingdom is in us, but we have all this crap blocking God's glory from being shown. It'll get there, I know I will.

Yesterday me and my roommates, Michele and Rachel, went to the beach. It's inevitable to be overwhelmed with people wanting to sell food and all types of jewelry to you. The street boys rush up and hang all over you and all you can think is that Jesus loves these kids. These black little bodies in their only pair of undies splash and play in the ocean. They jump on us, getting us wet, as the lovely feeling of sand rubs against our bodies. J They use pieces of styrofoam as toys in the water and fight over an empty water bottle. There's no fear in their eyes as they pick up bugs, dead fish, jelly fish, and squid along the shore line. The one kid, who doesn't have undies, is so bashful and giggling as he takes off his pants and runs into the water. Rachel screams and I laugh as he swims toward her. There is such a story to tell behind each child. It's beautiful. The God of Mozambique is beautiful.

This Saturday there is a big wedding on July, 7th, 2007. It's going to be so beautiful on the beach and Heidi is marrying them. There is going to be a big chicken feast and we are inviting all the people from the villages to come. They are all going to get saved! Georgian Banov is coming to play the music… yeeehawwww! It the anniversary of the summer of love when a new movement of music, drugs, and sex moved across the US to San Francisco. It's time for revival. We are praying for The Call in Nashville during 07.07.07 but know that the effects of your praying an fasting to change America is furthering revival in Mozambique! Yeaaaa Jesus!!!

Until next week, will someone please have an Oreo Misto for me from Ritas? It'd appreciate it. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that even though it's difficult to endure at times that God is giving you joy and laughter and grace for each moment! Thank you for sharing so much love with Papa's beloved treasures in the needy country of Mozambique. I'll stop at Rita's this week and pray that the pleasure of the oreo misto is delivered by Theodore to your location somehow. :)

Love much... said...

It's so refreshing to hear about what the Lord is teaching you!
Love you dear and praying for you!