It was nice waking up this morning at 8am, as opposed to the normal 5:30/6am wake up time, by the loud morning bang telling us tea has been ready. This week it seems the "honeymoon" period has been over for most of us. So the feeling of "uhhh why am I here I just want a Ritas and a nice juicy burger" feeling has come.
Making relationship with the Mozambicans is priceless. My friend Alberto, who is 60ish, has been my laughing friend as we struggle to understand each other. It really is quite hilarious just to see his wrinkly face and old man teeth light up when I say "ÿou are a plant" instead of you are nice,"is priceless. "
I feel this week I have been capturing the heart of Mozambique more. My heart has been resting on Matthew 5:3 of the beatitudes. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for there's is the kingdom of heaven." What does poor in spirit mean? God is staring to show me the ocean this verse represents. Poor in spirit means God is living in you, not yourself, you are just a tool for Him, how cool! Poor in spirit means giving your lunch, and your Nutella (yum) away to those less fortunate. Poor in spirit is to embrace a child in all his filth, body odor and unlovliness. Poor in spirit is holding the street babies when at any second they could pee on you. Poor in spirit is embracing another's culture and not your own. Poor in spirit is getting in the dirt with your white shirt, and not think twice, but just to be with the Mozambiquicans. God change me. I want the Kingdom! It's so cool because God's kingdom is in us, but we have all this crap blocking God's glory from being shown. It'll get there, I know I will.
Yesterday me and my roommates, Michele and Rachel, went to the beach. It's inevitable to be overwhelmed with people wanting to sell food and all types of jewelry to you. The street boys rush up and hang all over you and all you can think is that Jesus loves these kids. These black little bodies in their only pair of undies splash and play in the ocean. They jump on us, getting us wet, as the lovely feeling of sand rubs against our bodies. J They use pieces of styrofoam as toys in the water and fight over an empty water bottle. There's no fear in their eyes as they pick up bugs, dead fish, jelly fish, and squid along the shore line. The one kid, who doesn't have undies, is so bashful and giggling as he takes off his pants and runs into the water. Rachel screams and I laugh as he swims toward her. There is such a story to tell behind each child. It's beautiful. The God of Mozambique is beautiful.
This Saturday there is a big wedding on July, 7th, 2007. It's going to be so beautiful on the beach and Heidi is marrying them. There is going to be a big chicken feast and we are inviting all the people from the villages to come. They are all going to get saved! Georgian Banov is coming to play the music… yeeehawwww! It the anniversary of the summer of love when a new movement of music, drugs, and sex moved across the US to San Francisco. It's time for revival. We are praying for The Call in Nashville during 07.07.07 but know that the effects of your praying an fasting to change America is furthering revival in Mozambique! Yeaaaa Jesus!!!
Until next week, will someone please have an Oreo Misto for me from Ritas? It'd appreciate it. Cheers!
On these pages I write my heart for my love Jesus. Among these words is a journey revealing experiences between heaven and earth.
"All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I was eager to do." Galatians 2:10
30 June 2007
25 June 2007
Em's Amazing Journey
Hey everyone :) This is Em's friend, Kyera. I'm helping her out a bit with keeping her pictures up-to-date on this site as she's overseas. Here's a photo album to view some more pictures. There will be a featured link coming soon to this page that you can visit anytime you wish. Since I have just recently moved and am getting my own internet straightened out, I'm at a public computer that doesn't have the latest and doesn't allow the downloading of the latest version of Flash. As soon as I can get everything underway with Flash, you'll have a cool and inspirational picture site to visit. Until then, please take care and enjoy the pictures Em has sent to share through this photo album.
With love from Him,
With love from Him,
23 June 2007
Week 2 in Pemba
There has been a lot of beautiful cleansing at school. Monday, Leslie preached on freedom in Christ, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, so stand firm.” (Galatians 5:1) She spoke of what keeps us from this freedom; religious spirits, sin consciousness, self consciousness, fear, yoke of conformity, and spiritual conformity. Fear and self consciousness have always followed so heavily over me since I was young. I have fasted and prayed over these things and only managed some freedom.
There’s almost an addiction to bondage. Just like Israel when they were in the desert. There is a security in slavery as opposed to the unpredictability of God. It’s almost easier to stay in fear than to step out and overcome it, as I would continuously be in situations to exercise my freedom. It’s a bondage to the familiar. Faith is spelled R-I-S-K. Without risk there is no faith.
It was an intense time of deliverance for the entire school. I just called this thing out of me only to see this demon staring me in the face telling me I wasn’t strong enough to send it away. I went to the front, face in the dirt, to get prayer and coughed that sucker out! There the entire school ran out of the tent like crazy nuts yelling- FREEDOM, as we ran to the ocean and back. The next day and on the fruit of freedom was exercised. God thank you!
My friend Robert from Kenya asked if I wanted to paint with him during worship. It was amazing- no fear. You never know how much you are in bondage until you taste freedom. It only makes me think how much MORE truly there is in Christ. I’m ready for more.
I’ve been in such a strange unfamiliar place spiritually in my walk here. I’ve never been in the wilderness before and it’s not comfortable. I’m so used to feeling the strong presence of Jesus always rubbing up on me. I pray, pray, pray and “feel” nothing- blah. Worship, nothing. Where are you God?! I know He’s here but it’s like He’s removed my consciousness of His Spirit away from me. As I walk closer to the Promise Land I run into these pools of refreshing fellowship and freedom. It’s like an oasis in a vast desert. Once refreshed, I keep walking not knowing when the next pool will be, or if there will even be another before the Promise Land. Like the Israelites, cloud by day, fire by night. The Spirit spoke through Leslie saying, if you are in the wilderness that is the perfect place to be, to remove Egypt from you. That is exactly what God has been doing. Just as the Israelites walked into the wilderness away from the slavery, yet comforts of Egypt, I am doing the same. So many times while they were in the wilderness they complained, wanting to go back to the slavery and comforts of Egypt. I’m not comfortable in this spiritual place. I gave up my Bible, my big mama Bible, with all the comforts of highlights and notes in the margins. Now I look faced into a small travel bible and I don’t know where anything is! Oh Jesus is so good. I’m just mentioning one tangible thing. To be fruitful I must leave. It’s a beautiful thing.
I had the privilege to share my heart with Shampa Rice, who is head of Iris India. I poured out my heart about India my desire to go into the darkest places and to set the captives free, the orphans and widows, and to set up orphanages. Before I even said anything she said, I can see we have the same vision. There has not been an open door to India, but for some reason I am thankful even though my heart longs to be there. Shampa said that’s good, I’m being trained and prepared for what I will see in India, which will be disappointment.
The school just saw the movie “Born into Brothel” and I literally felt like throwing up. It actually won movie awards. The movie captures live footage of the brothels and child prostitution in Calcutta, India. Children were chained to pipes, babies sleeping in their own waste and young children forced to endure all day and night cleanings to sustain themselves. These children are the LORDs, they are mine too. I want the untouchables and to bring them into the amazing love of Christ. Someday soon, all I can do is intercede as revival WILL come to India.
On a lighter note- we LOVE Rolland and Heidi Baker. Rolland comes in like a crazy tornado, whoever he touches, they get completely blasted. We just become so filled with joy we roll on the ground laughing to tears! It’s good to get drunk in the Holy Spirit for times of refreshing. The joy of the LORD is my strength. (Nehemiah 8:10) Without joy we are weak and just want to bite at people- grrr. True joy, constant joy, unending joy comes from God’s presence. I like joy, I could really live off this stuff.
Chen Ahn is on the base now and is rallying us up for 07.07.07. Yeeee hawwwww! More Lord. Jesus has been so good to me soooo good. Bless you in your week and fill fill, fill, up on the presence of Jesus!
There’s almost an addiction to bondage. Just like Israel when they were in the desert. There is a security in slavery as opposed to the unpredictability of God. It’s almost easier to stay in fear than to step out and overcome it, as I would continuously be in situations to exercise my freedom. It’s a bondage to the familiar. Faith is spelled R-I-S-K. Without risk there is no faith.
It was an intense time of deliverance for the entire school. I just called this thing out of me only to see this demon staring me in the face telling me I wasn’t strong enough to send it away. I went to the front, face in the dirt, to get prayer and coughed that sucker out! There the entire school ran out of the tent like crazy nuts yelling- FREEDOM, as we ran to the ocean and back. The next day and on the fruit of freedom was exercised. God thank you!
My friend Robert from Kenya asked if I wanted to paint with him during worship. It was amazing- no fear. You never know how much you are in bondage until you taste freedom. It only makes me think how much MORE truly there is in Christ. I’m ready for more.
I’ve been in such a strange unfamiliar place spiritually in my walk here. I’ve never been in the wilderness before and it’s not comfortable. I’m so used to feeling the strong presence of Jesus always rubbing up on me. I pray, pray, pray and “feel” nothing- blah. Worship, nothing. Where are you God?! I know He’s here but it’s like He’s removed my consciousness of His Spirit away from me. As I walk closer to the Promise Land I run into these pools of refreshing fellowship and freedom. It’s like an oasis in a vast desert. Once refreshed, I keep walking not knowing when the next pool will be, or if there will even be another before the Promise Land. Like the Israelites, cloud by day, fire by night. The Spirit spoke through Leslie saying, if you are in the wilderness that is the perfect place to be, to remove Egypt from you. That is exactly what God has been doing. Just as the Israelites walked into the wilderness away from the slavery, yet comforts of Egypt, I am doing the same. So many times while they were in the wilderness they complained, wanting to go back to the slavery and comforts of Egypt. I’m not comfortable in this spiritual place. I gave up my Bible, my big mama Bible, with all the comforts of highlights and notes in the margins. Now I look faced into a small travel bible and I don’t know where anything is! Oh Jesus is so good. I’m just mentioning one tangible thing. To be fruitful I must leave. It’s a beautiful thing.
I had the privilege to share my heart with Shampa Rice, who is head of Iris India. I poured out my heart about India my desire to go into the darkest places and to set the captives free, the orphans and widows, and to set up orphanages. Before I even said anything she said, I can see we have the same vision. There has not been an open door to India, but for some reason I am thankful even though my heart longs to be there. Shampa said that’s good, I’m being trained and prepared for what I will see in India, which will be disappointment.
The school just saw the movie “Born into Brothel” and I literally felt like throwing up. It actually won movie awards. The movie captures live footage of the brothels and child prostitution in Calcutta, India. Children were chained to pipes, babies sleeping in their own waste and young children forced to endure all day and night cleanings to sustain themselves. These children are the LORDs, they are mine too. I want the untouchables and to bring them into the amazing love of Christ. Someday soon, all I can do is intercede as revival WILL come to India.
On a lighter note- we LOVE Rolland and Heidi Baker. Rolland comes in like a crazy tornado, whoever he touches, they get completely blasted. We just become so filled with joy we roll on the ground laughing to tears! It’s good to get drunk in the Holy Spirit for times of refreshing. The joy of the LORD is my strength. (Nehemiah 8:10) Without joy we are weak and just want to bite at people- grrr. True joy, constant joy, unending joy comes from God’s presence. I like joy, I could really live off this stuff.
Chen Ahn is on the base now and is rallying us up for 07.07.07. Yeeee hawwwww! More Lord. Jesus has been so good to me soooo good. Bless you in your week and fill fill, fill, up on the presence of Jesus!
16 June 2007
Arriving in Pemba
Praza lhe concer de Pemba Mozambique! Eu falla pokenu Portuguese agora! (Nice to meet you from Pemba! I speak a little Portuguese now!) I arrived safely Sunday evening after two long days of travel. In Johannesburg I met a big team of people from Global Awakening, Randy Clark’s Ministry, going to Pemba too so I was a lot more confident and at peace with the travels.
The weather here is perfect averaging about 85/90 degrees with a constant breeze. We are a one minute walk away from the beautiful blue water and white sand beech. The entire base has sand but you get so dirty as the wind blows all dust and dirt into the windows. I live with five other girls in a very small house where we sometimes have running water. Because I have already spent time in Africa there was no culture shock with bucket showers and getting use to the feeling of being clean a sanitized. That familiar smell of African sweat and greetings made me smile as I felt at home again in Africa.
On the base there is the Holy Given School (HGS), about 100 pastors in training, and the Iris (previously orphan) kids. It’s such a blessing to meet people from around the world. I love to listen to people talk with their thick accents of many nations. Food consist of a roll and tea for breakfast, and some crazy rice dishes for lunch and inner. Needless to say, we go into town to get our fruits and vegetables. I am in very good health and have not even encountered the normal digestive problems with the diet. God has extended so much grace to me even with feeling jet lagged.
The HGS is absolutely amazing! We have class rom 8:30-12:30ish then 2-4:30ish. It is a very long day as sometimes there is the required move to to in the evening. The classes have been wrecking me! I think, why haven’t I heard these simple, yet so profound teachings before? Then I realize that it’s the presence of God that is so strong which makes everything alive. A person could read the Bible every day or say they are a Christian and not like to read, and the Bible would just be words on a page, which is really boring! Then, bam! The Spirit of God is with you and EVERYTHING comes to life! That’s what we need to be living in. Everyday the LORD is finding cubby holes in my heart where the orphan spirit is, loneliness, pride or fear and is brining it to the surface to freed from. Truly, where the spirit of the LORD is there is freedom!
The school has been so blessed by Joann McFadder’s intimate worship songs the past week and the many daily soaking sessions. During the day we worship through song about 2-3 hours and just rest in His presence.
Leslie-Ann truly has the school running as a life on the alter. I want to share with you what I have been learning and how God has been moving in my heart. The Lord says, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…” Gen 1:26l. Humans alone are created in the image of God. This changes the way I see others. ALL religions, durnks, drug addicts, and rapist are created in the image of God, but they don’t know it yet. “Let US in OUR image.” The image of God is fulfilled in social relationships, we are not our own. It’s not about I but WE. This has really been changing my heart about my view on everyone. The prayers have gone from “I need” to “change me.”
The greatest revelation is knowing the heart of the Father. I know God loves me but now I really know. I’ve been weeping over this and there’s a depth in the Father’s heart that I have never known before. He loves me, He loves me. I am the apple of His eyes. He love you, He loves you. He adores you, He longs to be with you. He waits for you to quietly come to him and sit on His lap. He wants to enjoy you and you enjoy Him. How lovely is He. Nothing compares to the love of the Father.
Desperations triggers the heart of God like nothing else.
I can’t live without Him. Every breath that fills my lungs, I want to breathe His presence into me. He’s such a good God.
It’s amazing isn’t it? When you see the invisible you can do the impossible. When you truly know Him, everything changes. Sighhhh love love love love love.
Please excuse the lack of grammer and spell check during my time in Mozambique. I’ve really rushed through writing this email as time is money and the internet is very slow. I have tried my best to reply to emails. Thank you for your prayers. Next time I will hopefully successfully upload some of MY pictures so you can see my house, the kids and the living in Pemba.
Please pray the Lord would help build lasting relationships between the students and the Mozambiquecans, and for a further revelation of the heart of the Father. Thank you for all those who have helped with the multiple fundraisers, even as I was in Africa. I can’t do it with you. love you all!
The weather here is perfect averaging about 85/90 degrees with a constant breeze. We are a one minute walk away from the beautiful blue water and white sand beech. The entire base has sand but you get so dirty as the wind blows all dust and dirt into the windows. I live with five other girls in a very small house where we sometimes have running water. Because I have already spent time in Africa there was no culture shock with bucket showers and getting use to the feeling of being clean a sanitized. That familiar smell of African sweat and greetings made me smile as I felt at home again in Africa.
On the base there is the Holy Given School (HGS), about 100 pastors in training, and the Iris (previously orphan) kids. It’s such a blessing to meet people from around the world. I love to listen to people talk with their thick accents of many nations. Food consist of a roll and tea for breakfast, and some crazy rice dishes for lunch and inner. Needless to say, we go into town to get our fruits and vegetables. I am in very good health and have not even encountered the normal digestive problems with the diet. God has extended so much grace to me even with feeling jet lagged.
The HGS is absolutely amazing! We have class rom 8:30-12:30ish then 2-4:30ish. It is a very long day as sometimes there is the required move to to in the evening. The classes have been wrecking me! I think, why haven’t I heard these simple, yet so profound teachings before? Then I realize that it’s the presence of God that is so strong which makes everything alive. A person could read the Bible every day or say they are a Christian and not like to read, and the Bible would just be words on a page, which is really boring! Then, bam! The Spirit of God is with you and EVERYTHING comes to life! That’s what we need to be living in. Everyday the LORD is finding cubby holes in my heart where the orphan spirit is, loneliness, pride or fear and is brining it to the surface to freed from. Truly, where the spirit of the LORD is there is freedom!
The school has been so blessed by Joann McFadder’s intimate worship songs the past week and the many daily soaking sessions. During the day we worship through song about 2-3 hours and just rest in His presence.
Leslie-Ann truly has the school running as a life on the alter. I want to share with you what I have been learning and how God has been moving in my heart. The Lord says, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…” Gen 1:26l. Humans alone are created in the image of God. This changes the way I see others. ALL religions, durnks, drug addicts, and rapist are created in the image of God, but they don’t know it yet. “Let US in OUR image.” The image of God is fulfilled in social relationships, we are not our own. It’s not about I but WE. This has really been changing my heart about my view on everyone. The prayers have gone from “I need” to “change me.”
The greatest revelation is knowing the heart of the Father. I know God loves me but now I really know. I’ve been weeping over this and there’s a depth in the Father’s heart that I have never known before. He loves me, He loves me. I am the apple of His eyes. He love you, He loves you. He adores you, He longs to be with you. He waits for you to quietly come to him and sit on His lap. He wants to enjoy you and you enjoy Him. How lovely is He. Nothing compares to the love of the Father.
Desperations triggers the heart of God like nothing else.
I can’t live without Him. Every breath that fills my lungs, I want to breathe His presence into me. He’s such a good God.
It’s amazing isn’t it? When you see the invisible you can do the impossible. When you truly know Him, everything changes. Sighhhh love love love love love.
Please excuse the lack of grammer and spell check during my time in Mozambique. I’ve really rushed through writing this email as time is money and the internet is very slow. I have tried my best to reply to emails. Thank you for your prayers. Next time I will hopefully successfully upload some of MY pictures so you can see my house, the kids and the living in Pemba.
Please pray the Lord would help build lasting relationships between the students and the Mozambiquecans, and for a further revelation of the heart of the Father. Thank you for all those who have helped with the multiple fundraisers, even as I was in Africa. I can’t do it with you. love you all!
08 June 2007
Soaring to Mozambique
It’s crazy that in just a few short hours I will be flying to another nation. There’s nothing better than experiencing what your very heart beats to. God has been overwhelming me with His amazing goodness. These past two weeks have been the weeks of answered prayer. The $5500 that needed to be raised came in. After this, last Sunday an overwhelming $990 came into my hands at church then more came in during the week! I’m so blessed to sow hundreds of dollars back into the nations. Close friends have poured out their lives to me believing in the calling the Lord has placed on my life. I am so thankful for each breath of prayer that has been sown and birthed.
Not only did more than enough money come in but I got a job!!! The doors for all the school districts I interviewed at were closed as the position was filled by another candidate. For five days I was drawn so close into the presence of God as trust and peace were established into my heart. He is my everlasting strength. I was in perfect peace knowing that going to Mozambique without a job lined up for when I came back was going to be okay. Even during this, I was ready to accept whatever the Lord had for me yet still praying for a job. Then the principal of Lower Dauphin MS contacted me and it turns out the Lord made room for me to teach 7th grade Life Science! This is so fabulous that I get to stay with 7th graders, I don’t have to move, and the school is only five minutes down the road, oh and I get paid more. Truly a miracle, truly God is always on time. The Lord also blessed me with a wonderful roommate, Cassandra, who will be moving in during the month of August. This will be a powerful prayer team for the revival in India.
I sit back in awe wondering why God has been so faithful to me. What have I done to deserve all this goodness? As weird as it sounds, it hard to take it all in and receive it. A part of me thinks that’s it? All I had to do was pray and believe? I almost feel I needed to work harder for all this grace to flow. Then I just find myself being religious needing to break off that striving spirit. It’s apart of our natural human mind to work and work to receive the love of Christ. All we have to have is faith and believing that what we hope for we will see.
Isaiah 40 has been resonating in my spirit as I have been seeing lots of eagles soaring in the sky. They are such beautiful birds. All the other birds have to work and flap their wings, only being able to stay in the air for so long until they are tired. An eagle can soar for hours! It just stretches its wings and moves along with the wind. That’s what I want to do, rest and fly like an eagle.
28 Do you not know?
Not only did more than enough money come in but I got a job!!! The doors for all the school districts I interviewed at were closed as the position was filled by another candidate. For five days I was drawn so close into the presence of God as trust and peace were established into my heart. He is my everlasting strength. I was in perfect peace knowing that going to Mozambique without a job lined up for when I came back was going to be okay. Even during this, I was ready to accept whatever the Lord had for me yet still praying for a job. Then the principal of Lower Dauphin MS contacted me and it turns out the Lord made room for me to teach 7th grade Life Science! This is so fabulous that I get to stay with 7th graders, I don’t have to move, and the school is only five minutes down the road, oh and I get paid more. Truly a miracle, truly God is always on time. The Lord also blessed me with a wonderful roommate, Cassandra, who will be moving in during the month of August. This will be a powerful prayer team for the revival in India.
I sit back in awe wondering why God has been so faithful to me. What have I done to deserve all this goodness? As weird as it sounds, it hard to take it all in and receive it. A part of me thinks that’s it? All I had to do was pray and believe? I almost feel I needed to work harder for all this grace to flow. Then I just find myself being religious needing to break off that striving spirit. It’s apart of our natural human mind to work and work to receive the love of Christ. All we have to have is faith and believing that what we hope for we will see.
Isaiah 40 has been resonating in my spirit as I have been seeing lots of eagles soaring in the sky. They are such beautiful birds. All the other birds have to work and flap their wings, only being able to stay in the air for so long until they are tired. An eagle can soar for hours! It just stretches its wings and moves along with the wind. That’s what I want to do, rest and fly like an eagle.
28 Do you not know?

Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
29 He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD
31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
It’s so beautiful.
My prayer is this for Mozambique
“Meanwhile we expectantly wait for a satisfying relationship with the Spirit. For in Christ, neither our most conscientious religion nor disregard of religion amounts to anything. What matters is something far more interior: faith expressed in love.
Gal 5:5-6 The Message
I want to experience the love of Christ and give it away. I want to be with Him every second of the day, growing more and more in love with my Savior. There is no better place to be than in His presence. I’m ready to heal the broken, set the captives and prisoners free and to give, give, give, as Jesus has so poured out His life for me.
I love you everyone!
My prayer is this for Mozambique
“Meanwhile we expectantly wait for a satisfying relationship with the Spirit. For in Christ, neither our most conscientious religion nor disregard of religion amounts to anything. What matters is something far more interior: faith expressed in love.
Gal 5:5-6 The Message
I want to experience the love of Christ and give it away. I want to be with Him every second of the day, growing more and more in love with my Savior. There is no better place to be than in His presence. I’m ready to heal the broken, set the captives and prisoners free and to give, give, give, as Jesus has so poured out His life for me.
I love you everyone!
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